Direct Selling Economic Impact Report

Direct Selling Economic Impact Report
Salt Lake City (March 19, 2025) New research by the Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF) shows that direct selling accounts for more than $111 billion to the U.S. economy—including retail sales, supply chain transactions, and household spending of direct selling income.

The multiplier effect of direct selling shows that $1 in retail sales generates a total economic impact of $2.75. Direct selling federal, state, and local taxes equal $15.5 billion per year.

Dr. Robert A. Peterson, The University of Texas: “Because of the nature of the direct selling industry and its widespread use of independent contractors, the total estimated economic impact of $111.4 billion should be considered conservative. What we’re seeing is a big effect on household income, an increase of 70% from 2016, and real growth of 34% in total impact over the same period. The sustained growth of direct selling—marked by a 55% increase in total economic impact since 2004—underscores its resilience and adaptability in meeting consumer needs while creating meaningful economic value.”

4Life CEO Danny Lee: “For over 25 years, we have provided entrepreneurial opportunities to workers in the United States and around the world.”

Since its launch in 1998, the company has paid $3 billion in commissions for retail sales of its patented line of nutraceuticals.

4Life, The Immune System Company®, and the first to bring transfer factor research to market, has offices in dozens of countries to serve the company’s worldwide customers.

For more information:
Calvin Jolley
Vice President Corporate Communications
4Life Research
[email protected]