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Shirley Lipschutz International Diamond
up and away!
One Woman’s Story of Overcoming her Fear
Most people have to work at something to achieve it. If people knew where I came from, the weakness and inadequacy I faced, they could relate to that and receive hope.
Sharing the story of 4Life Transfer FactorÆ with other people a special lady, Helen Kimball-Brooke, and began telling her about 4Life. I would be sick to my stomach because I was so nervous. I pushed through my fear and now she has been with me for two years and she is a Presidential Diamond. We now laugh about how scared I was to talk to her.
How do you feel now talking about 4Life Transfer Factor?
Now I feel fine. I feel completely comfortable talking about 4Life Transfer Factor and the business. I first build a relationship. It’s important to build the relationship first before I talk business with them. I then talk about health—theirs and mine—and it gives them hope.
What benefits have you received in your life because you overcame your fear of speaking about 4Life Transfer Factor?
If you were to talk to Wayne and David they would tell you how much personal growth I have made. I am now able to speak to people without fear.
I have also made a TON of wonderful friends with this business! They are like family to me. No money in the world could have bought me the fabulous journey of personal growth and hooked me up with so many wonderful people who are in my upline and downline.
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, 4Life Research USA, LLC
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente en los Estados Unidos.
^Según estudio preclínico.
1 Yu, L.; Iloba, I.; Cruickshank, D.; Jensen, G.S. Ensayo de viabilidad que explora biomarcadores relacionados con el sistema inmunológico correspondientes a la rapidez en la vigilancia inmunológica y los cambios en las citoquinas después de consumir un suplemento nutracéutico que contiene péptidos de bajo peso molecular a base de calostro y huevo. Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2024, 46, 6710-6724. (En inglés).
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